گروه فنی مهندسی آرکام

پروژه های دانشجویی ، آموزش ، مشاوره ، فروش آثار

گروه فنی مهندسی آرکام

پروژه های دانشجویی ، آموزش ، مشاوره ، فروش آثار

گروه فنی مهندسی آرکام

گرداننده و نگارنده : محمد نوری

البرز ، کرج ، گلشهر


جهت حمایت از این وبلاگ، ما را به یک فنجان چای داغ مهمان کنید.

دنبال کنندگان ۳ نفر
این وبلاگ را دنبال کنید


آخرین نظرات


·         A MEALY machine has outputs that depend on both the state and  the inputs.
·         React faster to inputs  don't need to wait for clock.
·         Asynchronous outputs and asynchronous feedback are dangerous.
·         When the inputs change, the outputs are updated immediately, without waiting for a clock edge. 
·         The outputs  can be written more than once per state or per clock cycle.

·         Mealy style state-machines implement best for  CPLDs.

·         A MOORE machine's outputs are dependent only on the current state.
·         The output is written only when the state changes.
·         Outputs change at clock edge (always one cycle later).
·         May need more logic to decode state into outputs.

·         Moore style state-machines implement better for FPGAs.

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity mealy_4s is




    clk              : in  std_logic;

    data_in     : in  std_logic;

    reset          : in  std_logic;

    data_out  : out  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)



end entity;


architecture rtl of mealy_4s is


  -- Build an enumerated type for the state machine

  type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3);


  -- Register to hold the current state

  signal state : state_type;




  SYNC_STATE: process (clk, reset)


    if reset = '1' then

      state <= s0;


    elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then

      case state is

        when s0=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            state <= s1;


            state <= s0;

          end if;


        when s1=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            state <= s2;


            state <= s1;

          end if;


        when s2=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            state <= s3;


            state <= s2;

          end if;


        when s3=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            state <= s3;


            state <= s1;

          end if;

      end case;


    end if;

  end process;


  -- Determine the output based only on the current state

  -- and the input (do not wait for a clock edge).

  OUTPUT_DECODE: process (state, data_in)


    case state is

      when s0=>

        if data_in = '1' then

          data_out <= "00";


          data_out <= "01";

        end if;

      when s1=>

        if data_in = '1' then

          data_out <= "01";


          data_out <= "11";

        end if;

      when s2=>

        if data_in = '1' then

          data_out <= "10";


          data_out <= "10";

        end if;

      when s3=>

        if data_in = '1' then

          data_out <= "11";


          data_out <= "10";

        end if;

    end case;

  end process;


end rtl;

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity moore_4s is




    clk              : in  std_logic;

    data_in     : in  std_logic;

    reset          : in  std_logic;

    data_out  : out  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)



end entity;


architecture rtl of moore_4s is


  -- Build an enumerated type for the state machine

  type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3);


  -- Register to hold the current state

  signal state   : state_type;




  SYNC_STATE: process (clk, reset)


    if reset = '1' then

      state <= s0;


    elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then

      case state is

        when s0=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            state <= s1;


            state <= s0;

          end if;


        when s1=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            state <= s2;


            state <= s1;

          end if;


        when s2=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            state <= s3;


            state <= s2;

          end if;


        when s3 =>

          if data_in = '1' then

            state <= s3;


            state <= s1;

          end if;

      end case;


    end if;

  end process;


  -- Output depends solely on the current state


 OUTPUT_DECODE: process (state)


    case state is

      when s0 =>


        data_out <= "00";




      when s1 =>


        data_out <= "01";




      when s2 =>


        data_out <= "10";




      when s3 =>


        data_out <= "11";




    end case;

  end process;


end rtl;

A counter is a Moore machine ...

A counter is not a Mealy machine...

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity moore_4s is




    clk              : in  std_logic;

    data_in     : in  std_logic;

    reset          : in  std_logic;

    data_out  : out  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)



end entity;


architecture rtl of moore_4s is


  -- Build an enumerated type for the state machine

  type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3);


  -- Register to hold the current state

  signal state, next_state  : state_type;


  signal data_out _i  :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);




  NEXT_STATE_DECODE: process (state, data_in)


    next_state <= state;


      case state is

        when s0=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            next_state  <= s1;


            next_state  <= s0;

          end if;


        when s1=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            next_state  <= s2;


            next_state  <= s1;

          end if;


        when s2=>

          if data_in = '1' then

            next_state  <= s3;


            next_state  <= s2;

          end if;


        when s3 =>

          if data_in = '1' then

            next_state  <= s3;


            next_state  <= s1;

          end if;

      end case;


  end process;


  -- Output depends solely on the current state


  OUTPUT_DECODE: process (state)


    case state is

      when s0 =>


        data_out_i <= "00";




      when s1 =>


        data_out_i <= "01";




      when s2 =>


        data_out_i <= "10";




      when s3 =>


        data_out_i <= "11";




    end case;

  end process;


  SYNC_DATA: process (clk, reset)


    if  (rising_edge(clk)) then

      if reset = '1' then

        state <= s0;

        data_out <= "00"';


        state <= next_state;

        data_out <= data_out_i;

      end if;       

    end if;

  end process;


end rtl;

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