گروه فنی مهندسی آرکام

پروژه های دانشجویی ، آموزش ، مشاوره ، فروش آثار

گروه فنی مهندسی آرکام

پروژه های دانشجویی ، آموزش ، مشاوره ، فروش آثار

گروه فنی مهندسی آرکام

گرداننده و نگارنده : محمد نوری

البرز ، کرج ، گلشهر


جهت حمایت از این وبلاگ، ما را به یک فنجان چای داغ مهمان کنید.

دنبال کنندگان ۳ نفر
این وبلاگ را دنبال کنید


آخرین نظرات


۴۵۱ مطلب با موضوع «گروه برق و کامپیوتر» ثبت شده است

Perl distributions:

- Strawberry Perl

- ActivePerl


Perl Editors:

- DzSoft

- Perl Expess

- Komodo Edit

- ...


ActiveState offers these solutions for Perl development:

- ActivePerl (ActivePerl-

- Komodo IDE (ActiveState-Komodo-IDE-10.1.2-89508)


Stress Testing Tools

- Blast: A small, quick TCP service stress test tool.

- FSMax: A scriptable, server stress testing tool.

- UDPFlood: UDP packet sender utility.



BWPing is a open source bandwidth measurement tool based on ICMP echo request/reply. It is especially well suited for lossy links. BWPing does not require any special software on the remote host (only the ability to respond on ICMP echo request messages).


bwping [-u bufsize] [-r reporting_period] [-T tos] [-B bind_addr] -b kbps -s pktsize -v volume target


bwping -b 100000 -s 1472 -v 100000000


bwping -r 5 -b 100000 -s 1400 -v 1000000000




Tests should be performed on a Linux desktop host (1GBPS) and a target board (100MBPS) with a 1GBPS switched between host and board.

خب! ICMP در لایه اینترنت و TCP در لایه انتقال (لایه بالاتر) قرار دارد. بنابراین ICMP Ping بار پردازشی کمتری دارد! بنابراین آیا درست است بگوییم بخاطر این موضوع! است که سرعت اندازه گیری شده با bwping بیشتر از iperf است!!!؟؟؟!!!

Checking our network card current setting

# mii-tool

# sudo ethtool eth0

Display driver information

# ethtool -i eth0

Display statistics information

# ethtool -S eth0

Network adapter self test

# ethtool -t eth0 online

mii-tool, ethtool

پیکربندی/ عیب یابی سخت افزار شبکه

ifconfig, ip, route

پیکربندی نرم افزار شبکه

netstat, lsof

گزارشی از وضعیت منابع شبکه

{arp,}ping, {tcp,}traceroute

diagnostic tools ابزارهای عیب یابی


کلاینت ارتباط ساده TCP

nmap, nc (netcat)

چاقوی سوئیسی TCP/IP

- Each CAN-bit is broken up into 4 non-overlapping segments.


 - Each of these segments is an integer multiple of a unit of time called a Time Quantum.

 - The duration of a Time Quantum is equal to the period of the CAN system clock, which is derived from the microcontroller (MCU) system clock or oscillator by way of a programmable prescaler, called the Baud Rate Prescaler.

 - The lengths of these segments are set during the CAN initialization/configuration.

 - The CAN controller samples each CAN-bit on the bus at the Sample Point.

 - The CAN bit sample point is between tPHASE_SEG1 and tPHASE_SEG2.

 - Valid range for location of sample point is from 75% to 90%.

 - Note*: Use sample points of 80% to 90%.

 - Recommended location of sample point is 87,5%.

- The CPU can execute code directly from NOR flash...

- NOR flash is very convenient for bootloaders, which do not have to be copied to RAM before executing their code...

- The CPU cannot execute code from NAND without copying the code to RAM first...

- NAND flash devices can come out of the factory with faulty blocks... bad blocks!!!...

- Do not put a swap area on flash storage...

- Whenever possible, mount your filesystems as read-only...

- Keep volatile files such as log files and locks in RAM (tmpfs)...

- For small partitions, JFFS2 filesystem will be the best option...

- For medium to very large partitions, UBIFS will be the best compromise in terms of speed, size and boot time...

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " poco nginx canutils inetutils-ftpd inetutils-ftp"

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " poco nginx canutils vsftpd curl fcgi spawn-fcgi net-snmp util-linux ubiattach-klibc"

امروز حالم خیلی گرفتست!

همیشه از سیب گاز زده دیگران بدم میاد...

همیشه! اگر قرار بود کاری را به عهده بگیرم... بارها به خودم گفته بودم... اول باید نمایشی از صحت گفت ها ببینم... و تمام مستندات را تحویل بگیرم...

تو کار همیشه به دانسته های طرف مقابلت اعتماد می کنی...

خب! اشتباه می کنی...

$ grep --include=\*.c -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"

$ grep --include=\*.{c,h} -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"

اِشکال CMake این است که باید روی سیستم هدف نیز نصب شود!!!... خب! نصبش کن!


Make sure the following tools are available on the system...







// configure.ac

AC_INIT([helloworld], [0.1], [mohammad@nouri.com])






// Makefile.am


bin_PROGRAMS = helloworld

helloworld_SOURCES = helloworld.c




$ gcc -Wall calc.c /usr/lib/libm.a -o calc


Correct Order

$ gcc -Wall calc.c -lm -o calc


Incorrect Order

$ gcc -Wall -lm calc.c -o calc


In general, the compiler option ‘-lNAME’ will attempt to link object files with a library file ‘libNAME.a’ in the standard library directories.


On systems supporting both 64 and 32-bit executables, the 64-bit versions of the libraries will often be stored in ‘/usr/lib64’ and ‘/lib64’, with the 32-bit versions in ‘/usr/lib’ and ‘/lib’.

error, undefined reference due to

- missing library . . .

- order of object files . . .

- library link order . . .

- linking with gcc . . .

یا ترتیب Object فایل ها نادرست هست یا این که کتابخانه مربوطه را اضافه نکرده ای... چه غلطا...

The difference between the two forms of the include statement #include "FILE.h" and #include <FILE.h> is that the former searches for ‘FILE.h’ in the current directory before looking in the system header file directories. The include statement #include <FILE.h> searches the system header files, but DOES NOT look in the current directory by default.

$ sudo apt-get install g++ build-essential


$ g++ –version


// hello.c

#include <stdio.h>


main (void)


printf ("Hello, world!\n");

return 0;



$ gcc -Wall hello.c -o hello


$ ./hello

Hello, world!


// hello.cc

#include <iostream>




std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;

return 0;



$ g++ -Wall hello.cc -o hello


$ ./hello

Hello, world!

% c++ -O2 -I/usr/local/include -Wall -c -o test.o test.cpp

% cc -L/usr/local/lib test.o -lPocoFoundation -o test


-Wall enables all compiler's warning messages. This option should always be used, in order to generate better code. In practice, the optimization level -O2 is needed to give good warnings...

Note that there is no need to use the option ‘-o’ to specify the name of the output file in this case. When compiling with ‘-c’ the compiler automatically creates an object file whose name is the same as the source file, with ‘.o’ instead of the original extension.

پروژه Yocto : مجموعه ابزارهای منبع آزاد برای ساختن سیستم‌های سفارشی توکار


YOCTO is just another way to build uBoot, Linux Kernel & Filesystem. Difference from the standard direct compilation is, that Freescale now officially adds all their support through YOCTO.


The Yocto project provides a reference build system for embedded Linux, called Poky, which has the BitBake and OpenEmbedded-Core (OE-Core) projects at its base. The purpose of Poky is to build the components needed for an embedded Linux product, namely:

- A bootloader image

- A Linux kernel image

- A root filesystem image

- Toolchains and software development kits (SDKs) for application development