- All user generated source files (*.c, *.cpp, *.h, *.inc, *.s)
- Project file: Project.uvprojx (is used to build the project from scratch)
- Project options file: Project.uvoptx (contains information about the debugger and trace configuration)
- Project file for multi-project workspaces: Project.uvmpw
- Configuration files for the run-time environment that are copied to the project (all files below .\RTE)
- List of #includes created by software components: RTE\RTE_Components.h file
- Device configuration file: for example RTE\Device\LPC1857\RTE_Device.h
- Linker control file (Project.sct) if created manually
- All relevant Pack files (for example ARM::CMSIS, Keil::Middleware, Device Family Packs, etc.)
ما بقی فایل ها را پاک کن!
++Notepadرا بازکن... Project.uvprojx، Project.uvoptx و Project.uvmpw...